sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009

Motto: " Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower " -but to have the sunshine and flowers in our life we have to take good care of our nature.

The first legend says that in Lazarea there lived a very beautiful girl, called Estera. She went to Ghoergheni and there she met a handsome lad that was supposed to be even stronger than a bear. Once they saw each other, they fell in love. The lad asked this girl to be his wife, but they couldn’t get married because the boy had to go in the army. Since then, the girl kept waiting for him, she would to go with the pitcher at the well nearby, she used to wait for him for hours and hours, hoping that the one whom she loved, would return. It was a Sunday afternoon when, while passing by near the well, she was seen by a thief that kidnapped her, taking her to the caves of the Suhardu Mic. Mountain, where he lived. He promised the girl that he would give her everything, as long as she would marry him, but she refused to do so. The thief lost his patience and wanted to marry her by force. Then Estera cried to the mountains for help. The rocks heard the girl’s lament and summoned a heavy storm. The rain destroyed everything in its way, and so the girl and the thief were killed when the rocks fell on them. After that, all the mountain waters gathered there, forming The Red Lake. (The Killer).

The second legend says that on the meadow between the mountain slopes, there used to be the sheepfold, which was called the “Shepherds”. When the shepherds saw a powerful storne approaching, they tried to run for cover, but when the killing mountain collapsed, it buried them alive together with their sheep.

Do you think that legend is interesting? Wich of the two do you belive is true?

5 comentarii:

  1. Hello Delia, very nice blog... congratulations

  2. hi,delia.Nice blog and pitures.Interesting topic.I visited Lacu Rosu and i was very impressed.bye bye

  3. Is very interesting...nice blog

  4. Hi, there. I think the first legend is more interesting but the second one seems to be closer to reality.

  5. Hi Delia, congratulation for the blog it is very nice and I loved the story, and I think that both of the story are true.
