sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009

Flora and Fauna

The investigtions of soil, vegetation and sediment around and in the lake belong to the normal values,except the values of Cd and Pb, probably due to traffic.
A number of 318 species of vascular plants and 90 species of moss, guarantee the remarkable biodiversity of the zone. From the first category 301 species are flowering plants.
Protected plants among these are: Cypripedium calteolus(papucul doamnei), Daphne cneorum(tulichina), Gentiana lutea(ghintura galbena), Leontopodium alpinum(floarea de colt), Nigritella rubra(sangele voinicului), Taxus baccata(tisa), Trollius europeus(bulbucii).
The fauna also presents an accentuated biodiversity as well. Many species of vertebrates and invertebrates can be found here, of which the following are declarated protected: Raven, Laughter, Capercaillie, Chamois,Brown Bear.

How can we keep this place clean and attract tourists?

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