sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009

Red Lake and Bicaz Canyon are situated in the middle-part of the Eastern Carpathians, in the mountain zone of Hasmasul. The borders of the Mountain Hasmasul are the streamlet Bistricioara and the Valley of putna in the North, the saddle-back of Tarcau in the South between the streamlets Lavardi and Nascalat, the upper reachesof the stream Belchia and the River Olt in West and in the East the brooks Jedan as well as Damuc(branches of Bicaz), Biuchavas, the valley Rece and Lavardi(branches of Trotusi).

Red Lake is natural storage lake at 980 m altitude at approximately 26 km from Gheorgheni city on the national road 12/C.The lake has "L" form, is 10 m deep ,an area of 12.7 ha, and a 2830 m circumference.
The lake is formed recently, in the summer of 1837. Then, after some abundant rains, a great quantity of rocks and debris slided from the Northen side of the Killer Rock (Stanca Ucigasului), blocking the Bicajel river. The water have accumulated and formed a natural storage lake. The unusual magic is amplified by a lot of empty truncks of the old fir trees, which come out from the water passing through the image of Little Suhard reflected in the lake mirror.

In the yars 2000, according to Law No5. as the acceptance of the managing plan of the national territory-the 3rd Section-protected areas, with a surface of 6.575 ha, situated on the territories of the counties Harghita and Neamt, it was declarated "National Park Bicaz Canyon-Hasmas". The Nature Reserve Red Lake-Bicaz Canyon with the Holiday Resort Red Lake belong to this park.

Hello, I am Delia. This blog describes a kind of foaret county in which they reside. This place is visited by numerous tourists, especially during the summer. I sincerely hope this blog will be a help for those who are hiking in the country and want to explore beautiful places. In this area there are more hostels for accommodation. I hope you find these pictures convincing enough to come and visit the area.

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